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Qualifying Life Events

Boise State employees are responsible for submitting their benefit enrollment forms on time. To ensure coverage, benefits must be elected during the Open Enrollment period or within 30 days of hire. Once elections are submitted, changes cannot be made until the next Open Enrollment period, except in the event of a Qualifying Life Event. 

Qualifying Life Event Changes

Making changes due to a Qualifying Life Event has very strict time frames. Most changes must be made within 30-days of the date of the event. Late applications cannot be accepted.

Examples of Life Event Changes

Examples of life event changes include:

  • Marriage, divorce or legal separation
  • Birth or adoption
  • Death in the family
  • Change in coverage under other employer’s plan
  • Loss or gain of coverage
  • Medicare or Medicaid entitlement

Required Documentation

Documentation is required as evidence of a life event change. To avoid denial due to late submissions, employees should start the application process before having necessary documentation. 

  • Marriage: marriage certificate
  • Divorce/Annulment: divorce decree or court ruling for annulment
  • Legal Separation: court order verifying legal separation
  • Letter with proof of loss or gain coverage
  • Birth: birth certificate
  • Death of Spouse: death certificate


If one of these changes occurs or for more information on required documentation, please contact us at or (208) 426-4492.